manage_server help

Usage: manage_server [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  delete           Delete Enterprise server data
  get_bundle       Get Enterprise server bundle as a .tar (for installing on an offline system)
  install          Install or update the Enterprise server [aliases: update]
  client_updates   Manage Enterprise client update files
  logs             View the Enterprise server logs (requires server to be running)
  status           View the current status of the Enterprise server
  start            Start Enterprise server
  stop             Stop the Enterprise server (requires server to be running)
  backup           Archive Enterprise server data (requires server to be running)
  restore          Restore Enterprise server data from archive (requires server to be running)
  change_password  Change an Enterprise server user's password (requires server to be running)
  help             Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

          Operate in docker swarm mode
      --registry-host <HOSTNAME>
          Hostname of registry [default:]
  -l, --license-file <license-file>
          Path to Binary Ninja license file [default: license.dat]
      --uid <uid>
          User ID used for data and tasks (defaults to current User ID)
      --gid <gid>
          Group ID used for data and tasks (defaults to current Group ID)
  -h, --help
          Print help information
  -V, --version
          Print version information

Database Options:
      --db-name <NAME>           Name of database to use [default: binaryninja_enterprise]
      --db-host <HOSTNAME>       Name of host to use when connecting to database [default: database]
      --db-port <PORT>           The port to use when connecting to database [default: 5432]
      --db-user <USERNAME>       The user to use when connecting to database [default:
      --db-password-file <FILE>  Path to file containing password to authenticate with the database [default:

Redis Options:
      --redis-url <URL>  URL to use when connecting to message broker [default: redis://redis:6379]

Object Store Options:
      --object-store-bucket-name <BUCKET>
          Object store bucket name (must be between 3 and 63 characters, only using lowercase
          letters, numbers, dot, and hyphen) [default: binaryninja-enterprise]
      --object-store-endpoint-url <URL>
          Object store endpoint URL [default: https://object-store:9000]
      --object-store-key-id-file <FILE>
          Path to file containing the access key ID to use when authenticating with the object store [default:
      --object-store-secret-key-file <FILE>
          Path to file containing the secret access key to use when authenticating with the object
          store [default: ./secrets/object_store_secret_access_key]