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manage_server update

Install or update the Enterprise server

Usage: manage_server install [OPTIONS]

  -n, --offline
          Do not fetch resources from the network, install from local files
          Operate in docker swarm mode
          Do not update this binary
  -i, --imagefile <imagefile>
          Path to local image file [default: images.tar.xz]
  -c, --certfile <certfile>
          Path to local cert file [default: server.pem]
  -k, --keyfile <keyfile>
          Path to local key file [default: server.key]
          Overwrite server key files
      --tag <tag>
          Installs a specific version of the Enterprise server
  -l, --license-file <license-file>
          Path to Binary Ninja license file [default: license.dat]
      --uid <uid>
          User ID used for data and tasks (defaults to current User ID)
      --gid <gid>
          Group ID used for data and tasks (defaults to current Group ID)
  -h, --help
          Print help information

Database Options:
      --db-name <NAME>           Name of database to use [default: binaryninja_enterprise]
      --db-host <HOSTNAME>       Name of host to use when connecting to database [default: database]
      --db-port <PORT>           The port to use when connecting to database [default: 5432]
      --db-user <USERNAME>       The user to use when connecting to database [default:
      --db-password-file <FILE>  Path to file containing password to authenticate with the database [default:
      --redis-host <HOSTNAME>    Name of host to use when connecting to message broker [default:

Object Store Options:
      --object-store-bucket-name <BUCKET>
          Object store bucket name (must be between 3 and 63 characters, only using lowercase
          letters, numbers, dot, and hyphen) [default: binaryninja-enterprise]
      --object-store-endpoint-url <URL>
          Object store endpoint URL [default: https://object-store:9000]
      --object-store-key-id-file <FILE>
          Path to file containing the access key ID to use when authenticating with the object store [default:
      --object-store-secret-key-file <FILE>
          Path to file containing the secret access key to use when authenticating with the object
          store [default: ./secrets/object_store_secret_access_key]


--no-update-self should ONLY be used if you are confident you do not want to update the server management binary


Update the server (online)

./manage_server update

Update the server (offline)

./manage_server update --offline -i images.tar.xz


An updated images.tar.xz can be acquired from the license recovery page of our website at any time. You will need the email address of the original purchaser. Contact Vector 35 if you are no longer able to access that email address or don't know what that address is.

Use a license file from a non-standard location

./manage_server update -l my_license_folder/license.dat

Updating multiple Docker Swarm nodes


If you are updating from an offline bundle, skip step 1 below.

  1. Save the images to a compressed tarball: ./manage_server update --save-images
  2. For each node in the swarm:
    1. Copy the image tarball to the host
    2. Load the images to docker: docker load --input images.tar