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manage_server install

Install or update the Enterprise server

Usage: manage_server install [OPTIONS]

  -n, --offline
          Do not fetch resources from the network, install from local files
          Operate in docker swarm mode
          Do not update this binary
  -i, --imagefile <imagefile>
          Path to local image file [default: images.tar.xz]
  -c, --certfile <certfile>
          Path to local cert file [default: server.pem]
  -k, --keyfile <keyfile>
          Path to local key file [default: server.key]
          Overwrite server key files
      --tag <tag>
          Installs a specific version of the Enterprise server
  -l, --license-file <license-file>
          Path to Binary Ninja license file [default: license.dat]
      --uid <uid>
          User ID used for data and tasks (defaults to current User ID)
      --gid <gid>
          Group ID used for data and tasks (defaults to current Group ID)
  -h, --help
          Print help information

Database Options:
      --db-name <NAME>           Name of database to use [default: binaryninja_enterprise]
      --db-host <HOSTNAME>       Name of host to use when connecting to database [default: database]
      --db-port <PORT>           The port to use when connecting to database [default: 5432]
      --db-user <USERNAME>       The user to use when connecting to database [default:
      --db-password-file <FILE>  Path to file containing password to authenticate with the database [default:
      --redis-host <HOSTNAME>    Name of host to use when connecting to message broker [default:

Object Store Options:
      --object-store-bucket-name <BUCKET>
          Object store bucket name (must be between 3 and 63 characters, only using lowercase
          letters, numbers, dot, and hyphen) [default: binaryninja-enterprise]
      --object-store-endpoint-url <URL>
          Object store endpoint URL [default: https://object-store:9000]
      --object-store-key-id-file <FILE>
          Path to file containing the access key ID to use when authenticating with the object store [default:
      --object-store-secret-key-file <FILE>
          Path to file containing the secret access key to use when authenticating with the object
          store [default: ./secrets/object_store_secret_access_key]


Use a license file from a non-standard location

./manage_server install -l my_license_folder/license.dat

Installing to multiple Docker Swarm nodes


If you are installing from an offline bundle, skip step 1 below.

  1. Save the images to a compressed tarball: ./manage_server install --save-images
  2. For each node in the swarm:
    1. Copy the image tarball to the host
    2. Load the images to docker: docker load --input images.tar